first, listen.
this is the sound of one voice. one spirit one voice.
the sound of one who makes a choice. this is the sound of one voice.
this is the sound of one voice.
this is the sound of voices, two. the sound of me singing with you.
helping each other to make it through.
this is the sound of voices, two. this is the sound of voices, two.
this is the sound of voices three. singing together in harmony.
surrendering to the mystery, this is the sound of voices three.
this is the sound of voices three.
this is the sound of all of us. singing with love and a will to trust.
leave the rest behind, it'll turn to dust. this is the sound of all of us.
~the wailin' jennys
now. listen again.
there's a part of me that cannot even begin to write about this experience, and yet, i can feel my seams bursting. i must let it go.... for here, you'll find, the origin of my authorship. at least half of it.
"...this is the sound of one voice.. the sound of one who makes a choice..."
you help it? i can't. i can't stop (nor would i) that force of spirit within that makes a choice and chooses to, yes, live. and yes, sing. it can be scary at times to sing out (if you're gonna sing out, sing out!), but we must.
when you sing your song, when you contribute your verse, people hear you. and perhaps, if you're lucky, they are moved to join in.
"this is the sound of voices, two... helping each other to make it through..."
and when two voices join, there is a greater strength, a greater depth, a greater knowing. for now, there are two sets of experiences, two souls touching, two lights that brightly shine. with two voices though, there is also the possibility for conflict (and resolution). there is discussion (and growth). and yes, there is harmony. oh sweet harmony.
a harmony where two people join their slightly different viewpoints, and make something so sweet you just feel like breaking open. and when you do.....
"this is the sound of voices, three....surrendering to the mystery..."
...a mystery is born. the mystery is how, with your one voice, ripples begin, and the web is jostled, and before you know it, there is something that was never there before. in simply singing your song, (that only
you can truly sing) the miracle of connection begins: creation at its best. and when voices that join together surrender to that mystery, surrender to not knowing, or needing to know outcomes, when this happens, the whole world takes notice.
"this is the sound of all of us.... leave the rest behind it'll turn to dust.... this is the sound of all of us."
your voice can get anything started.
your voice has everything in it.
your voice wants to be heard.
your voice is singing already. and the world is waiting to join with complex and lovely harmonies.
you have a voice. and so do i.
so it is.